Saturday, May 14, 2011


May 13, 2011

Representative Darrell Issa
Chairman Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
2347 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative Issa:

As you and the rest of the members of Congress, well know, the House Armed Services Committee, headed by Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Calif.), decides on the more than $600 billion annual defense budget, which is about one third of the discretionary federal budget and up to $1.2 TRILLION for the entire national security budget (depending on how one crunches the numbers).
This week that committee debated that budget, but not before Rep. McKeon. organized a fundraiser on February 15, 2011 to solicit campaign contributions from lobbyists and companies such as Lockheed Martin Corp., the Boeing Co. and Northrop Grumman Corp. through defense contractor political action committees , for Republican Reps. Vicky Hartzler (MO), Scott Palazzo (MS), Austin Scott (GA), Jon Runyan (NJ), Mo Brooks (AL), Chris Gibson (NY), Tim Griffin (AR), Joe Heck (NV), Scott Rigell (VA), Martha Roby (AL), Bobby Schilling (IL), Allen West (FL) and Todd Young (IN). All are newly elected and all attended this fundraiser before deciding what to do with billions and billions of our taxpayer money.
The newly elected (13) Tea Party candidates who came in with talk of cutting spending and being anti-establishment, quickly warmed to the ways of Washington. An analysis of the voting patterns on those 13 votes found that not only were  the Freshmen not the ones leading the charge to cut defense, but have also added funds to programs that the Pentagon did not even seek (unnecessary defense pork)..
Mr. Issa, it is well known that Congress has legalized bribery calling it campaign contributions and corruption is hard to prove, but this is blatant. These people are not up for re-election any time soon.  So why? Why  ask for money days before deciding what to do with billions and billions of our taxpayer money? You know why. They were soliciting bribes. Rep. McKeon introduced them to how it’s done. Just like a monkey in suit is still a monkey, campaign contributions when Congress legalized bribery, is still a bribe. Mr.Issa this is blatant and in your face corruption and we ask that you tie those bribes to their votes for unnecessary defense pork.
In the judiciary we have an ethics rule that states  “avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety”. Even the appearance of impropriety casts a shadow over the judiciary as an institution. Rep. McKeon and the “for sale 13” have cast a shadow on the whole of our political system and on you too, as head of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. You know well that this fundraiser was just a “for sale” sign to take from we the people and give to the highest bidders. McKeon  has been a major beneficiary of defense contractor campaign contributions since first becoming the Committee’s ranking member and later its chairman as seen on[1]. The “fundraiser” proved to be lucrative for the “13 for sale” corrupt freshmen as seen in the quarterly filings with the Federal Election Commission. The filings also show how McKeon is using money – raised through defense contractor contributions – to curry favor within the Republican membership of his committee.[2]
A corrupt Congress is the reason for our trillion dollar debt. We have Bush tax cuts while waging 4 wars due to corruption. We have a monopoly on prescription drugs and subsidies for price gouging prices for drugs due to corruption. We now have subsidies for health care insurance monopolies with no competition and no anti trust laws due to corruption. The cost of health care is so high because of corruption. Policies have doubled in price since the health care reform passed due to corruption. Tuition in colleges have soared because of subsidies due to corruption. We have sky rocketing gas prices that are fixed by Wall Street when Congress could stop that in its tracks due to corruption. We have bank bailouts due to corruption. We have subsidies to every corporation imaginable due to corruption. We have foreign aid that is used to buy arms from our military industrial complex due to corruption.
But worse then all of that are the eternal wars for the profits of the industrial military oligarchs due to corruption. The wars and that whole being strong on defense propaganda? Well that is just justification for the corruption even if it means trillions in debt that we have to pay and the added crime of bringing home our kids broken and in body bags from foreign lands. What kind of slime sells out an entire people just to rub shoulders with rich, corporate parasites, like some badge of honor? We have elected peacocks and ass kissing, subservient, cowards that have betrayed us all.
Trillions of dollars are being pillaged from the American people to take from us and give to the highest bidder due to corruption. Congress is incapable of managing our money because of corruption. We have trillions in debt because politicians give our money to their campaign contributors. The “for sale 13” are proof that even with trillion dollars in debt corrupt whores in Congress won’t stop.  God help us, when will we get rid of all of these corrupt politicians, Democrats and Republicans alike? When will we ever have a government of, by and for the people again?
In the name of the millions of people that watch powerless as all of this pillaging and corruption unfolds and trillions are stolen from us to give to them, while puppet media remains silent, I ask that you investigate and get these people out of Congress, knowing full well that pigs will fly before anyone, anywhere does anything to make that happen. Regardless, whores cannot be stewards of our money.
Please investigate them. In the meanwhile we will copy the media who collude with this pillaging and are inextricably linked to corporate profits, Wall Street and the war profiteers. There has to be some law somewhere that protects we the people from being raped by the whores in Congress so we might as well contact the FBI or Eric Holder even though Congress has probably covered that too. It is no wonder some in Congress oppose any transparency when it comes to campaign contributions and defense contractors. You know Congress may have created laws to cover up their crimes and they may escape criminal justice, but they won’t escape ours forever. This cannot last too much longer, because people are boiling.
Congress must take the money out of elections. The government of the United States does not represent the American people. Congress does not represent the people. It represents the oligarchs. The way campaign finance and elections are structured, the American people cannot take back their government by voting. A once proud and free people have been reduced to serfdom. I hope you are on the right side of this. If you aren’t you are not alone. It takes an army of corrupt slime to turn a democracy into an oligarchy without one shot fired and its our own fault.
Most sincerely,

cc: Porter J. Goss, Chairman Office of Congressional Ethics, Dan Burton, John Mica, Todd Platts, Mike Turner, Patrick McHenry, Jim Jordan, Jason Chaffetz, Connie Mack,Tim Walberg, James Lankford, Justin Amash, Ann Marie Buerkle, Paul Gosar, Raúl Labrador, Pat Meehan, Scott DesJarlais, Joe Walsh,Trey Gowdy, Dennis A. Ross, Frank Guinta, Blake Farenthold, Mike Kelly, Elijah Cummings,Ed Towns, Carolyn Maloney,Eleanor Holmes Norton, Dennis Kucinich, John F. Tierney, William Lacy Clay, Jr., Stephen Lynch,Jim Cooper, Gerry Connolly,Michael Quigley, Danny K. Davis,Bruce Braley, Peter Welch, John Yarmuth, Chris Murphy,Jackie Speier, United States Senate, United States House of Representatives

CC: Shepard Smith/FOX, Bill O’Reilly/FOX, Sean Hannity/FOX, Bret Baier/FOX NEWS, Greta van Susteren/FOX, Roger Ailes/FOX NEWS, John Scott/FOX NEWS, Mike Wallace/FOX NEWS, Chris Matthews/MSNBC, Keith Oberman/Current TV, Rachel Maddow/MSNBC, Dylan Rattigan/MSNBC, Anderson Cooper/CNN,Katie Couric/NBC,Editor Associated Press News Room, Marcus Brauchli Editor Washington Post,Thomson Editor Wall Street Journal News Room,Producer ABC News, Jon Meachum, Editor Newsweek, Editor Time Magazine/Editor US News &World Report,Randy Lovely, Editor Arizona Republic,Editor Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Editor Baltimore Sun,Martin Baron, Editor The Boston Globe,Joe Sciacca, Editor The Boston Herald, Rick Thames Editor/The Charlotte Observer, Donald Hayner Editor Chicago Sun-Times, Gerould W. Kern Editor Chicago Tribune,Debra Adams Simmons Editor Cleveland Plain Dealer, Ed Kelley Editor Daily Oklahoman, Robert W. Mong, Jr. Editor Dallas Morning News, Gregory L. Moore Editor Denver Post, Rick Green Editor Des Moines Register, Paul Anger Editor Detroit Free Press, Jim Witt Editor Fort Worth Star Telegram, Jeff Cohen Editor Houston Chronicle, John Wilburn, Russ Stanton Editor Los Angeles Times, Aminda Marqués Gonzalez Editor Miami Herald, Martin Kaiser Editor The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Nancy Barnes Editor Minneapolis Star Tribune, Editor Newsday, Peter Bhatia Editor The Oregonian, Stan Sischnowski The Philadelphia Inquirer, David Shribman Editor Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Arnie Robbins Editor St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Bob Hawkins Editor San Diego Union-Tribune, Ward H. Bushee Editor San Francisco Chronicle, David Butler Editor San Jose Mercury News, Editor Seattle Times, David Boardman Editor, David Hunke, Publisher USA Today, Marcus Brauchli EditorThe Washington Post,Producer CNN, Producers CSPAN, Producers National Public Radio, Producers PBS, NewsHour with Jim Lehrer MacNeil/Lehrer Productions, Bill Keller Editor The New York Times, Jon Stewart The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Editor, John Hillkirk, Editor USA Today, Brian Gallagher, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. Publisher New York Times,  Bill Keller, Editor New York Times, Russ Stanton Editor Los Angeles Times, Raju Narisetti, Elizabeth Spayd, Managing Editor Washington Post, Shirley Carswell, Kevin Keane Editor The Oakland Tribune, Gerould W. Kern, Editor Chicago Tribune, Paul Krugman/NY Times, David Brooks/NY Times, Maureen Dowd/NY Times, Thomas Friedman/NY Times, Adam Nagourney/NY Times, David E. Sanger/NY Times, Philip Taubman/NY Times, David Shipley/NY Times, Frank Rich/ NY Times, David Leonhardt/ NY Times, Hendrik Hertzberg/ NY Times, Steve Coll/ The New America Foundation, Ezra Klein/ Washington Post, Christiane Amanpour/ ABC News, Katrina Vanden Heuvel The Nation, Editor/ The Nation, Editorial Submissions New York Media, Adam Moss New York Media, Eric Alterman/TheNation, Joe Scarborough/ Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski / Morning Joe, Willie Geist / Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle / Morning Joe, John Ridley / Morning Joe, Mr. Glenn Beck/FOX, Christopher Caldwell Senior Editor/The Weekly Standard, Fred Barnes Executive Editor/The Weekly Standard, William Kristol Editor/The Weekly Standard, Stephen Hayes Senior Write/The Weekly Standard, Charles Krauthammer/The Washington Post, Juan Williams/FOX, David Bohrman CNN Washington Bureau, Candy Crowly CNN Washington Bureau, David Gregory/Meet the Press, Betsy Fischer /Meet the Press, Rebecca Samuels /Meet the Press, Chris Donovan /Meet the Press

Lockheed Martin   $52,000, Northrop Grumman $50,500, Boeing Co  $28,900, General Dynamics   $20,000, BAE Systems   $12,000, Alliant Techsystems   $10,000 $0 $10,000, GenCorp Inc $10,000  Raytheon Co   $10,000 amongst others

[2] Read more:

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